

You will never be more like Jesus than when you are serving.

God has shaped us with different gifts, abilities, skills, and experiences. Every Christian should be serving in some ministry area of the church. A variety of ministry opportunities are available for you to get involved and serve.

Just as our bodies have many parts and each part has a specific and special function, so it is with Christ’s body of believers: the church. Weare many parts of one body, and we all need each other to function properly (1 Corinthians 12:27).

We were created for ministry (Ephesians 2:10), and called to ministry (Galatians 1:5). The next step in your walk is to use those gifts and talents in and through your church.

Below are the various ministries and teams where you can get involved around the church. Each ministry has a small description of traits that are needed to help you identify where you might belong. 

Fill Out This Form to Start Serving!

Music, Creative & Production Volunteers


Next Steps Ministry

  • I am a people person: I love to meet new people of all kinds
  • I have a joyful spirit that I’m eager to share with others through my contagious smile
  • I love to create a comfortable warm friendly environment where people feel at home

“How I welcome people as honored guests is my way of showing their value to God.”

Team Roles


  • Greeter
    Located at both foyers and front doors
  • Shuttle Driver
    8:45 am on Sundays
  • Connection Centers
    30 minutes after each worship service

Sherri Southerland


Choral, Instrumental, Ensemble, and Handbell Ministry

  • I have a heart full of praise to glorify God
  • I connect with God through music and I love to share that connection with others
  • I view musical talent both as a gift from God that I am responsible to use wisely and as a skill that must be honed through diligent practice

“Worship the Lord in all His holy splendor. Let all the earth tremble before Him.”

Psalm 96:9

Team Roles


  • Church Choir
    Sings throughout the year for worship at 9:30 and special concerts and events
  • Joyful Sound Choir
    Sings for special events and often sings at senior facilities and nursing homes
  • Orchestra
    Plays throughout the year for worship at 9:30 and special concerts and events
  • Handbells
    Plays for worship at 9:30 and special events, and participates in state music events
  • Ensembles

    Sings often in worship during the 9:30 service, participates in seasonal and special events, and sings outside the church on occasions


Lee Myers


Contemporary Worship and Arts Ministry

  • Singers and musicians who lead the congregation in worship during the 11:00 am service and occasional special events
  • Since this is a “platform” position, individuals must meet a certain level of skill in the gift and commit to FBCPS. 
  • All singers and musicians must audition

Worship is focusing my mind's attention and my heart's affection on God."

Team Roles


  • Praise Band
    Acoustic and electric guitar, bass, keys, and drums/percussion
  • Vocals
  • Able to learn songs by ear and the ability to harmonize on the fly is valued

Will Burke



Preschool Ministry

  • I have a love for children and enjoy being with them
  • I desire to serve parents and want to create a secure, loving environment for their children so that they can encounter God in worship
  • I can demonstrate patience and kindness with little ones- even when their noses need to be wiped

“Children are a gift from the Lord…" 

Psalm 127:3

Team Roles


  • Connection Group Volunteer
    9:30 or 11:00 am on Sundays
  • Backyard Worship Volunteer
    11:00-11:20 am on Sundays
  • Extended Teaching Care
    Fill in on a Sunday-to-Sunday basis; 9:30 or 11:00 am
  • Activities
    Assist in various planned activities other than Sunday
  • Kidventure Junior Volunteer
    6:30-7:30 pm on Wednesdays
  • Welcome Center Volunteers
    Need 2 people in the welcome center at all times

Cindy Smith


Kid's Ministry

  • I can communicate well with children and it gives me joy to see them learning God’s Word
  • I have a deep love for children and enjoy being with them
  • I can be firm when I need to be, but I am patient and gentle
  • I want to partner with parents to build a firm foundation for their child’s faith

“Train up a child in the way he should go and when he is old he will not depart from it.”

Proverbs 22:6

Team Roles


  • Connection Group Volunteer
    9:30 am on Sundays
  • Treehouse Worship Volunteer
    10:45 am on Sundays
  • 4th Sunday Connection Group
    10:45 am on fourth Sundays and the month of July
  • Kidventure
    6:30-7:30 pm on Wednesdays, August-May
  • KVX Teachers
    Early June, 9:00 am-12:00 noon

Evan & Anna Lewis


Food Services Ministry

The church provides meals for the family when a church member or members family passes away. The church secretary makes arrangements for the meal when the funeral service has been determined and contacts the Sunday School class/ Connection Group to serve the meal for the family of the deceased. In some cases, there may not be an associated class (such as Homebound members) and this ministry will be contacted to fill the need for servers.


Additionally, for larger events such as Retirement Party's and Church wide events supported by FOod Services, sometime help is needed for setup or cleanup before and after the event. This ministry shall provide support in these and like circumstances.


  • I enjoy making meals for people
  • I love providing support and care for those who are in need
  • I enjoy making events look nice and setting up decorations
  • I am organized and good at managing events

Team Roles


  • Chairperson
    The Chairperson and Co-Chair will maintain a list of volunteers who they will contact for support as required.
  • Co-Chair
  • Servers
  • Setup/Cleanup
  • VBS Teachers

Mike Canning


Student Ministry

  • I have a deep love for students from 6th-12th grade and enjoy being with them
  • I remember how emotionally tough adolescence can be and I’m willing to stick with these students through the ups and downs
  • I don’t have all the answers but I can communicate well with students and point them to build their lives on God’s word

“If you love being around students, willing to invest some time into their lives, and love the Lord, then this is the right place for you.”

Team Roles


  • Connection Group Volunteer
    9:30 or 11:00 am on Sundays
  • ConnXions Volunteer
    6:30-8:00 pm on Wednesdays
  • Disciple Mentors
    Yearly commitment to invest in 2-3 students

Brian Capshaw


Adult Connection Groups

  • I value real relationships and want people to find places where they can nurture godly friendships
  • I am not perfect and I’m not an expert, but I am willing to open up my life and walk with people in their spiritual journey

“I’m fulfilled when I see people forming authentic relationships around God’s Word.”

Team Roles


  • Connection Group Lead Team
    9:30 or 11:00 am on Sundays
  • Connection Group Leader/Teacher
    9:30 or 11:00 am on Sundays
  • Ministry Teams
    Prayer, Evangelism, Care Groups, Secretary/Administration

Alan Davis


Production Team

  • I enjoy using the tools of technology and media and I have the heart to use them to share God’s Word
  • I like to learn new things and improve my skills
  • I’m good at taking direction and working with a team

“I want to use my skills with today’s technologies to share Christ.”

Team Roles


  • Audio Mixer
    9:30 and 11:00 am on Sundays
  • Projection Operator
    9:30 and 11:00 am on Sundays
  • Lighting Operator
    9:30 and 11:00 am on Sundays
  • Camera Operator
    11:00 am on Sundays

Grayson Barton


Creative Team

  • I enjoy using the tools of technology and media and I have the heart to use them to share God’s Word
  • I like to learn new things and improve my skills
  • I’m good at taking direction and working with a team

“I want to inspire and encourage those interacting with our church through the use of clear and compelling visuals and online media.

Team Roles


  • Creative Arts
    An eye for current graphic/video trends
  • Visual Design Software
    Comfortable with programs like Photoshop, Premiere Pro, CMS Websites, etc.
  • Marketing
    Knowledge of ways to get the word out to our church and community
  • Social Media
    Brainstorming ideas for social media, scheduling content, engagement/comments, trending ideas.
  • Photography
    Capturing regular church life scenes, taking photos for events, or capturing photos for web and social media.
  • Editing
    Proof reading web content and sermon slides, editing audio clips, writing captions, adding sermon content to the website, uploading podcast content.
  • Event Design
    Creating visually appealing decor and stage design for events and large attendance Sundays.


Jenny Highsmith


Pastoral Care Ministry

  • I am drawn with compassion to people who are hurting, grieving, lonely, or sick
  • I thrive in one-on-one, face-to-face ministry where I can offer a word of kindness, bring a small gift or simple be present with someone who needs a friend
  • I place a high priority on confidentiality when dealing with sensitive needs

“Ministry for me means just being there for someone in their time of need.”

Team Roles


  • Benevolence
    Serve by meeting emergency and short term needs
  • Bereavement
    Help in serving a meal for our church families upon the death of a loved one
  • Pastoral Care/Home Care
    Visit our members who are homebound or have unique limitations

Alan Davis


Prayer Ministry

  • I cherish spending time in the presence of God in prayer
  • I have a holy boldness to storm the throne room of God; I believe in the power of prayer to change lives, families, cities, and nations
  • I place a high priority on confidentiality when others entrust me with a prayer request

“Nothing great happens on earth until we first move Heaven with great prayer"

Team Roles


  • Members Are Praying (MAP)
    Committed to daily prayer for our church
  • Prayer Walkers
    Committed to praying as you walk the inside track or outside prayer trail at FBCPS
  • Prayer Team
    Leadership role to help plan, promote, and encourage prayer

Alan Davis


Community Missions

  • I want to break down the walls of division and build friendships with those in need in our community
  • I believe in the God-given dignity of every individual and want to come alongside those seeking pathways out of poverty
  • I express my faith most strongly by rolling up my sleeves and getting to work to meet the needs of others in practical ways
  • I have a special place in my heart for children and want to see every child have access to adequate food, clothing, shelter, and educational opportunity

“Jesus said ‘go and teach all nations’ and I’m ready to go.”

Team Roles


  • Back to School Basics
    Serve during the event on Saturday during July for distribution of backpacks and school items
  • Bethel Garden Ministry
    Bible stories, music, special needs
  • Bullock Hope House
    Help prepare food for residents as needed
  • Blue Skies
    Volunteer at the retreat for food service, child care, recreation, clean up, set up/takedown
  • Calvary Children’s Home
    Make donations for catered meals on Sundays and specific activities
  • City of Powder Springs Events
    Participate in various events throughout the year
  • Cobb Street Ministries
    Prepare and deliver evening meals, provide childcare in the evenings while parents attend classes, support weekly needs
  • Community Christmas
    Volunteer for gift wrapping, prepare and serve breakfast during the event
  • Community Construction Team
    Volunteers needed to build ramps, drywall, minor plumbing, and painting, any construction skills can be used
  • Decorating Team
    Seasonal decorating around campus and during events
  • Nigerian Personal Care Ministry
    Collection of personal care items
  • Operation Stars and Stripes
    Help sort, pack, or assist with gifts for our military
  • Panther Power Packs
    Donate items for weekend meals for students at elementary schools
  • Elementary School Ministry
    Support teachers, staff, and students.
  • Prayer Shawl Ministry
    Crochet or knit shawls and lap blankets for shut-ins, those having cancer treatment, and loved ones in nursing homes
  • Recycle Literature
    Help collect and pack old church literature/Bibles/Devotional books
  • Samaritan’s Purse/Operation Christmas Child
    Pack and transport shoeboxes during National Collection Week
  • West Cobb County FCA
    Assist FCA in our local schools.

Nita Anderson