

The FBCPS Men's Ministry is partnering with Man In the Mirror Ministries to undertake a new strategic framework for helping our men grow in their walk with Christ through the Journey to Biblical Manhood.

The Journey consists of 12 Challenges for the church to take its men through over the long term. These challenges are targeted to help men grow in the major areas of their lives.  This will be a multi-year path as we will focus on one challenge at a time to look into further becoming the men God desires.

The Twelve Challenges

Bible Study Opportunities

Wednesday Night Bible Study

Each week men gather in the House at 6PM to study God’s Word. The House is located across North Avenue from the sanctuary between Marietta Street and the main parking lot.

Man in the Mirror Weekly Video Bible Study

Demanding schedule? Choose when you can set aside time for Bible Study. Check out the weekly online bible study with Dr. Patrick Morley via the Man in the Mirror website.

Study Overview



Stand Firm

"Stand Firm" Men's Monthly Devotional Magazine is available in the rack adjacent to the Connection Group office.

Upcoming Events