
About Us


Go, therefore, and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe everything I have commanded you. And remember, I am with you always, to the end of the age.”

Matthew 28:19-20

Our Church exists...

To lead people toward the savior, Jesus Christ. We want people to believe in the saving grace of Jesus, to grow in their relationship and walk with Him, to love those around them, and to serve for the cause of Christ.

Our Mission

Believe - share in our community and beyond the good news that Jesus saves (Luke 15, 19:10)

Grow - teach believers through the Bible how to love God and love their neighbors as themselves (Col. 1:28; Matthew 22:37-40)

Love - show those around us the love of Christ (John 13:34; 1 John 4:8)

Serve - support our church and community for the cause of Christ and share the story of how Jesus saved them (Matthew 23:11; Acts 1:8)

Our Core Values


What is most important to us
  • The Bible: authoritative, inerrant, our standard for truth and obedience
  • Christ-Centered Living: loving the Lord God with our whole hearts
  • Dependency on God for every area of our lives
  • Prayer: individual and corporate prayer as crucial in doing God's work
  • Equipping Believers for a passion-driven, gift-based ministry
  • Missions: Taking Christ to the nations by giving, praying, and going


How we do ministry
  • Loving Relationships
  • Different Styles of Worship
  • Connection Groups for spiritual growth and relationship building
  • Strengthening Families with strong youth, children's, and young adult ministries
  • Empowering Leadership 

Constitution and By-Laws with Proposed Changes